How Best Quality Garden Loungers Fill Critical Furnishing Gap

I have had the rather amusing but also slightly annoying scenario of having no proper seating downstairs in my family room.  I used to own a small two seater sofa which matched the large 3 seater in the sitting room.   However after many years of wear and tear the left hand seating got completely ruined when a pretty rotund visitor plonked herself down heavily, and went though it.    There was an unmistakeable sound of ripping from the underneath, as the webbing gave way.  I left things like that for a short while then when the another visit started to loom large, I decided it was time to do something about the tragic state of affairs.  I toured all the furniture showrooms in my area and tried out a variety of two seater arrangements.  Having plumped for a neat little two seater, leather, with power recliners, I then found out the delivery was some 16 weeks.

So, having paid for the council to come and remove my old sofa, I was left with a yawning gap which I filled for all of these weeks with two delightful garden loungers.  These were bought many years ago by my parents in law, to complete their rather stunning conservatory, added to their equally impressive bungalow.   They used these loungers with the attractive floral patterned and sumptuously plump cushions, every day as they enjoyed lookng out over their garden from the warm & sunny vantage point.  I inherited the loungers some 20 years ago and they have never been as appreciated or loved as when used as seating in my family room!

Safe Outdoor Lighting Cannot Be Considered Just On Price

With our summers ending up being so variable, we can be enjoying lovely sunny evenings for a couple of days and then deep shade for another few.  This causes a rethink of sitting out in the garden in the evening.   The ideal solution to this dilemma is of course to use solar lights; the ones that sore up as little of those rays through the day and when it gets past tea time, they magically light up, gently and reliably.  However, they only work for so long into the evening and need rays to get them going in the first place.   A proper circuit of lights around the garden run off the electricity is of course the pinnacle of desired effect.  They can be programmed to come on gently in a subtle scheme that moves around the garden and lights diferent areas – low lighting and high lighting from above and below.  Its incredible how fantastic a tree can look when a gentle spot light is focused on it from over the side or from behind.  These schemes rely on a totally safe installation and it is critcal that a fully trained electrical engineer is involved in the wiring up and connections.  An expert may seem an wild expense at first but the safety angle cannot have a price put on it.

Deck Loungers & Comfy Cushions Make for Splendid Evening Relaxation

We are having the oddest weather at the moment – and not for the first year, we have had a very mild and wet winter, followed by a freezing cold early spring, running into a slightly warmer late spring, back to torrential rain and finally a fitful summer.  Very weird and slightly irritating as far as gardening and garden furniture is concerned.   No longer do we suffer the indignity of trying to open a deckchair, with all the contortions needed to get it set right, foot bar in the right height grooves, without having each knuckle brusied in the process!  We like the modern, spacious bamboo seating arrangements favoured by the top class tv lifestyle programmkes and the magazines we leave around on the patio table.   I like the old fashioned wooden deck loungers myself, with a nice plump ‘matress/cushion’.   Thse are luxurious when placed between small patio drinks tables.  If the midges are under control with ctronella candles, then it is wonderful to sit of an evening with down lights and uplights doing their thing amongst a well stock garden shrubbery.

The Beauty Of A Plain Oak Bannister & Stairwell

There is definitely something pleasing about seein a neatly carved oak stairwell.    Perhaps it is the oak itself, or the combination of carved spindles and bannisters.   Even on a modern plain oak one, the classic lines never look out of place and you know that it will withstand the years of being kicked, scuffed, vacuum cleaners will bag against them;  dogs will do,  what dogs do on stairwells.    I used to have a painted bannister and spindles – my decorator who was doing the whole house at the time, decided to liven it up with a coffee and cream theme.   It looked pretty grim and not quite as reliably wood like as it hasd previously.   The wood did not start off even looking like oak.  In fact, knowing how developes manage to get in materials in bulk, everything was built the same inside our houses – most of our houses have a dog leg stairwell, involving a second pillar, on the corner of the stairs and this takes a great strain when less mobile folk need to get up and down the stairs.  I now have plain oak and it pleases me every time I travel up and down those wonderful oak bannisters!

New Style Lighting Raises The Bar For Garden Schemes

To transform a plain garden into a spectacular but sophisticated area that will extend the use of the garden space ovwer several more weeks, a fresh new approach to lighting can be installed.    Instead of summer coming to a fairly abrupt end at the start of October, it is now possible to illuminate the borders and lawn areas to really make an inviting show.  New style lighting systems are so versatile – variable hoods over the lights offer subtle lighting or by removing the hood, and pointing the lights upwards, a once forgotten but well established tree can really become a feature of the display.    When the seasons change, the flexibility and ease of movement of the lights will offer many exciting looks – perhaps the tree has an exciting bark during the  winter, this can be highlighted with a beam directed lower down.  In the early spring when evenings are still a little dark, the beam can be raised to highlight the taller branches.  The possibilities are endless.  However, as with evrything electrical, the cabling and sockets must be installed by a suitably qualified electrician.

Various Chair & Lounger Designs For The Garden

There is something really luxurious about stretching out on a sun lounger on a warm sunny afternoon in the garden.  All the cares and concerns of everyday life seem to drift away for those few special hours.  I do know someone who has a waide variety of seating out in her garden – she seems to have a lot of very fussy pals and relatives.  Some folk prefer teak deck loungers as you find on the cruise ships of past decades;  mind you they are very uncomfortable without the padded cushions if you have a body anything older than a teenage body.  The couple also proudly show off their newer design of lounger – quite attractive heavy duty plastic with very well upholstered and padded matresses, now these are very comfortable and appropriate for leaving out in the garden.   I do love looking at the shrubs and trees, and lying on a nicely placed lounger is a safe bet.   I always want to have a nice little breakfast set down on my rather cute patio, the idea of having my morning coffee out in the sun on an early spring day, it’s really worth getting up nice and early.

Evenings Are Long Lasting With Garden Lighting

As I sit looking out over the grounds of the house I’m currently ‘sitting’ for, I ralise how gorgeous the evening sun is over the back garden.  It is one of those still evenings with a low sun and just enough warmth left to not need a hefty coat.    In in a couple of hours the evening stars will begin to show themselves in all their glory and the evening will slip along nicely.  The garden looks out towards a massive coppice – it is rather intimidating at first, the darkness is all encompassing.  But never fear, I have the joy of the fixed garden lighting to keep me company.  The beauty of the planting comes into its own.  Some up lighting on the taller shrubs and trees bring out the shapes ans a little of the colour.  The downlights on the other hand show the forms from further away.   We also see side lighting down the border, at the bottom of the  wall and around the top.  Dotted around, not too formally, that’s the design here.  Relaxed!

Patio Trio Set Off With Stunning Swing Seat

I have thought for a couple of years now that I really do need to get myself a decent little patio set for use up the sunny end of the garden.   It is so easy to just sit in the lounge and have that extra cup of tea or coffee during the day – but to get the most ut of the garden at any reasonable time of the year, it’s a great idea to install a table and chairs.  I know several folk who live outdoors all the time from Spring thru Autumn.  They cook on the patio barbeque or externaly based microwave or airfryer units.  Their dining table is large enough to accommodate 8 very comfortably and their chairs are plain but amply cushioned.    I do fancy having one of those gorgeous wooden swing benches, just like my buddy has in her garden – its a very stable A framework with chains holding up a swing seat that is comfortable and safe.   The very appearance of this piece of furniture makes the garden ultra appealing and luxurious.    Absolutely what we need!

Choosing Garden Lighting Scheme

My current garden isn’t really large enough for me to put much lighting out there.  I have been round some that have long borders with truly fantastic highlights dotted around.  Another idea is to have lamps high up in trees and shrubs to provide low lights – these have o be planned well though if any form of power is needed.  With so many solar power schemes available, this can be slightly less of a problem but not during the winter months when we need the most lighting, especially at night.   If someone is about to landscape their garden, or just generally redesign it by moving some shrubs and adding taller specimens, hen deciding on a lighting plan before any such activity takes place is critical because it is seriously difficult to add it afterwards to have the same seamless effec.  Festoons above ay area planned for seating will accetuate well shaped furniture and architectural features.  Smart spotlights in walls and along pathways to light the way are perfect.   For all powered options, a garden lighting contractor is going to offer the bet solutions so that optimum benefit is gained for eventually a lesser bill!

Personal Bugbear – Mismatched Tables & Chairs

I’m so glad the craze for mismatched tables and chairs has passed on – there’s nothing that jars on my senses more than seeing one table in a coffee  house, with 4 completely different chairs around it.   The most annoying aspct of this was that most of the chairs had been bought as groups and could have been put round the tables in in sets of four, but they’d gone to the trouble of splitting up every suite of chairs just to be arty!   I was overjoyed last week when I popped into a vintage tea rooms in a town I don’t visit often – last time was 4 years ago, they were extreme in their quacky design of mismatched chairs.  The afternoon tea was good though and was served on gorgeous china plates – with the cake stands absolutely chocker block with all the stuff I don’t eat these days!  I remember tbut no no no  to mismatched chairs!