With our summers ending up being so variable, we can be enjoying lovely sunny evenings for a couple of days and then deep shade for another few. This causes a rethink of sitting out in the garden in the evening. The ideal solution to this dilemma is of course to use solar lights; the ones that sore up as little of those rays through the day and when it gets past tea time, they magically light up, gently and reliably. However, they only work for so long into the evening and need rays to get them going in the first place. A proper circuit of lights around the garden run off the electricity is of course the pinnacle of desired effect. They can be programmed to come on gently in a subtle scheme that moves around the garden and lights diferent areas – low lighting and high lighting from above and below. Its incredible how fantastic a tree can look when a gentle spot light is focused on it from over the side or from behind. These schemes rely on a totally safe installation and it is critcal that a fully trained electrical engineer is involved in the wiring up and connections. An expert may seem an wild expense at first but the safety angle cannot have a price put on it.