There can’t be anything nicer than being able to go out into our gardens in the height of summer and sit by a nice wall with a flower border along it. The smell of roses in the morning haze or perhaps during the evening twilight cannot be over estimated. To achieve this idyll we need several things. A garden is helpful, of course. To make it useable we have to clear the space, getting rid of weeds and debris left from anyone else’s efforts. The laying of a patio is not as easy as folk think. The land must be cleared well and made as even as possible. The paving slabs or ornamental stone needs to be placed carefully and sell cemented into position. Using the old fashioned 5 blobs isn’t cutting it these days as it allows all sorts of weeds grimness to grow underneath. Then we need to have a space to put our tables and chairs – some shadebe big enough for the max number likely to be sitting at one time but not so huge that it takes up too much space. A folding set is useful of course but on any patio area that is even minisculey uneven, this might cause difficulties – spilt pims on ice, not so good!