I was visiting a fairly new acquaintance – during the first easings of the national lockdown. Whilst socially distancing I was very keen to see their garden, which I’d heard a lot about from other folk who’d experienced this well lit and landscaped joy. To be able to visit an ordinary family home with a spectacular garden is one of my life’s joys and it doesn’t often happen, so this was a treat to be enjoyed for the duration of the afternoon. Apart from lots of attractive garden furniture set out to catch the sun in different locations, there was some most attractive solid oak seating set in a crescent, raised to allow sight of a stellar feature – . . . a magnificent 1930s style brick boundaried fish pond. Quite deep in places and with the most incredible selection of fish I’ve seen in a garden or on tv! It was mesmerising, just watching them swirling around – huge koi carp. I had no idea they were so placid and relaxing to watch – a real tonic!