We are having the oddest weather at the moment – and not for the first year, we have had a very mild and wet winter, followed by a freezing cold early spring, running into a slightly warmer late spring, back to torrential rain and finally a fitful summer. Very weird and slightly irritating as far as gardening and garden furniture is concerned. No longer do we suffer the indignity of trying to open a deckchair, with all the contortions needed to get it set right, foot bar in the right height grooves, without having each knuckle brusied in the process! We like the modern, spacious bamboo seating arrangements favoured by the top class tv lifestyle programmkes and the magazines we leave around on the patio table. I like the old fashioned wooden deck loungers myself, with a nice plump ‘matress/cushion’. Thse are luxurious when placed between small patio drinks tables. If the midges are under control with ctronella candles, then it is wonderful to sit of an evening with down lights and uplights doing their thing amongst a well stock garden shrubbery.