As I sit looking out over the grounds of the house I’m currently ‘sitting’ for, I ralise how gorgeous the evening sun is over the back garden. It is one of those still evenings with a low sun and just enough warmth left to not need a hefty coat. In in a couple of hours the evening stars will begin to show themselves in all their glory and the evening will slip along nicely. The garden looks out towards a massive coppice – it is rather intimidating at first, the darkness is all encompassing. But never fear, I have the joy of the fixed garden lighting to keep me company. The beauty of the planting comes into its own. Some up lighting on the taller shrubs and trees bring out the shapes ans a little of the colour. The downlights on the other hand show the forms from further away. We also see side lighting down the border, at the bottom of the wall and around the top. Dotted around, not too formally, that’s the design here. Relaxed!